Thursday, July 23, 2009

Washington State Wind Farm Expands and Creates New Jobs

A wind farm expansion creates jobs and helps lower carbon emissions. reports:

"As the wind whips at the Wild Horse Wind Farm, power is being generated and jobs produced. "The county road fund, the county general fund will also see some new tax money based upon this projects value," said Brian Lenz, government and community relations manager, Puget Sound Energy. Wild Horse currently contributes around 1.5 million tax dollars to local schools and government services. The 22 new wind turbines will whirl even more tax revenue into the local economy. Around 150 people are working on the expansion. They're constructing nacelles, which house the generator." See full article.


  1. PSE's Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility is just off Interstate 90 in Central Washington, about 15 miles east of Ellensburg.

    Our visitor's center is open from now through November 30. Please stop by to see how wind and solar power work.

    Directions are at

    Andy Wappler
    Puget Sound Energy

    1. Do you know of any wind farms that will be starting up in washington state or orgean, im working on one in texas but would like to be closer to home?
